instead of packing...LOL...actually, I have most of the packing done...just gotta finish some last minute housework...have to come home to a clean house...I am having fun painting these ATC's...I have always enjoyed stamping them...and since I have started painting again...I am just loving these little canvases for creating miniature artworks...This one is painted on chipboard, basecoated off white, wash of tealish blue for the sky and brown wash for the ground...added the clouds and then freehand painted the little scene...

I enjoy painting paper mache boxes...I had this little round one and decided he needed to become a snowman, or at least his head...I love the carrot noses on snowmen...and also, wanted a tobogin instead of a black hat...I think it kinda has a "bogin" look...so i put a bogin on his nogin...

Close up of the details on his face...

I painted my snowman on a coaster, gonna turn this one into a little book...it will have dark blue cardstock pages...will be great for sharing snowday photos in...

Close up of the details on the snowman...